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Bybee's White Guy , A.K.A. Chupacabra , A.K.A. Chuy ,154.3 lbs+, prelim fair, good elbows. Owned by Clark Henderson and John Tuttle breeding rights reserved by us. We would say Chuy is the biggest bulliest most impressive, muscle bound American Bulldog in the USA that is not fat, we've been doing this for a while now and have seen a lot of dogs which we have been told are 130lb+ dogs, few rarely are, and if they do weigh that much it's usually a fat dog that would look better at around 110lbs. Chuy however is the real deal 150lbs of solid muscle not fat he is a TRUE GIANT AMERICAN BULLDOG. Chuy was vet weighed at his last vet visit and was just over 150lbs ..adding a few lbs as he ages..you can still see his last rib clearly and he is still lean! I'm just wondering how long till everyone now changes there dogs weights to be more then his! We are not one of those bulldoggers who think bigger automatically means better, we do however favor impressive looking dogs (and bitches) and were expecting Chuy's litter to be around the 110lb+ size much like his dad Nitro (his mother being Tonzanite Bo's sister was also a good sized dog). Well, it didn't quite work out like that, as you can see all the pups in the litter were giants...we didn't have one average size one! Chuy has been shown twice at the A. B. A. show in Lodi California. For a big dog he moves surprisingly well, that combined with his incredible structure and being in excellent shape earned him a well deserved 1st place both days under Casey and Jose Lopez of Manstoppers. We sold Chuy as a pup to our friends Clark Henderson and John Tuttle and retained breeding rights to him. Chuy is a credit to J.T. who socialized him incredibly well he is a very confident but easy going dog with no issues who he is devoted to J.T. Chuy has been bred several times and consistently produces big dogs with great bone and attitudes. Not only is Chuy a giant American Bulldog but he also can throw his size..check out Big Momma and Pony. Chuy is not available for stud although we do have some of his frozen semen available for our selves. Chuy's Offspring: Bybee's Big Daddy Love Bone AKA: Pony and Bybee's Big Momma and Bybee's Kabang